Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Foster Parents

What's new with us? We are foster parents now. We have been licensed since June and have already had 7 kids for varying lengths of time. Right now we have 2 little boys, ages 2 and 4. They have been with us 2 months and we love them a lot. It can be trying and even heartbreaking at times but I am super thankful for this new opportunity.


It has been a tough day today. I would like to share details but I can't. Would like to open up my heart and let the words just flow out on the page but no! Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Now I remember why that has always been one of my favorite verses. So many things I don't understand. I don't have to understand though. My heart has to be turned to Christ, acknowledging Him. He will direct my paths. So cool! But wait. It's not always easy to acknowledge Him in ALL my ways. This is where the growth comes in. What are my ways? Sometimes they are grouchy, angry, selfish...... I pray that His ways will be my ways, and His thoughts my thoughts, more and more as I set my heart on Him.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Thinking about the busyness of summer and all the stuff I need to do today. The 23rd Psalm comes to mind and I am so thankful for the verses about God making us lie down in green pastures and leading us beside still waters. Psalm 46:10 tells us to "be still and know" that He is God. It's so important to take the time to be still with God, to come away from our busy schedules and focus on our source of strength. He will restore our souls and lead us in the "path of righteousness for His names sake."