Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sick Boy and a Snowy Day

Jonathan had to go to the doctor this morning! He's been feeling bad off and on for quite a while.

His throat was itching and he was having lots of headaches! He was looking tired all the time and I thought he probably had a sinus infection so today I finally took him to see the nurse practicioner here in town. I hate taking Jonathan to the doctor because until he REALLY knows someone he won't talk to them. I mean, he'll shake their hand and say Hi but not really carry on a conversation. We are working on being kind when people speak to you and answering them! He's really good at "I don't know." Oh well that's another subject :0) We did find out that he has a really bad sinus infection. Ya know it is nice here in Wrangell though. I didn't realize that you just go up to the appointment desk and pick up your prescription right there at the doctor's office. We've had medicines shipped out from Ketchikan WalMart before and Kristi has picked up antibiotics at the doctors office before but I didn't realize that was a normal thing. It was nice. Unexpected, but nice. After the appointment there in the lobby we met up with a wonderful lady that goes to our church! Gladys is so sweet. She needed a ride home so we took her. Kristi is getting lots of experience driving on snow and ice and Gladys did cheer me up! Before she got out she told Jonathan, "you will get better little guy" and then said "I just love all of you"! We love you too Gladys! Jonathan and I had a long day in this apartment, watching snow falling outside. Today we've seen snowflakes in all sizes including dime and quarter size. We've seen it fall straight down, blow sideways, and even twirl around! We've seen it snow while the fog was so thick that you couldn't see anything but fog and snow. Today it also snowed while the sun was shining. Jonathan calls that frozen liquid sunshine!

Well that's pretty much my day today! The snow was amazing and Gladys was sweet. Jonathan's started on antibiotics. Kristi had 3 EMT calls today and already has one patient transport scheduled for 4:00 AM! John is going to drive her to the fire station and she'll ride in the ambulance. It will be a tough one for her. A lady who has cancer is leaving town to go back to Seattle for treatment. They are going to pick her up at her house and take her to the ferry terminal. They will take her to a cabin on the ferry and make her comfortable for the trip. All that to say, since John is taking her to the fire station I should go make sure he's not keeping the bedroom light on for me. He didn't say he was going to bed, just took his Bible and went in the bedroom. He's probably studying.
Oh yea the picture above is the lovely view from my livingroom window quite a bit of the day today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Letting Go

It's 3:19 AM and I can't sleep. I'll try again here in a few minutes but just thought I'd blog a little first!

John and Jonathan are gone to Ketchikan and I miss them. I am so excited that they got to go. Jonathan had not been out of Wrangell for 8 months other than just out in a boat now and then but never to another town. He was so excited today as the ferry pulled into Ketchikan. I'll put some pictures of their trip on here later.

Kristi and I had a fun evening tonight. She's growing up so much and I am having a tough time with it. Please pray with me that I'll have wisdom in letting her go, that I won't hold on to tight but also that I won't push her away. She's gotten so independent and I'm not used to that. It's kinda strange after 3 1/2 years of deputation. This year of being settled in Wrangell with her working, and doing her EMT training along with homeschool has been very different from travelling around together like we have for the past several years. Am I being to whiney! Never mind if I am I don't want to know. Maybe it's my lack of sleep talking! Guess I'd better go to bed.

As Anne of Green Gables says "Tomorrow is a brand new day, with no mistakes in it."