Monday, May 10, 2010

Prayer Letter April/May

As I have been traveling to visit churches while on furlough I have been repeatedly reminded of the importance of your prayers. While traveling from one missions conference to another the last several months I have encountered many snow storms, rain storms, high winds, and road raged drivers. It is great to know that many of you are praying for us. Your faithfulness reminds me of the many prayer partners the Apostle Paul had while on his missionary journeys. It is interesting that the Lord allowed Paul to give us the names of some of his prayer partners in his Epistles. At the end of most of his Epistles, Paul has a “hugs and howdys section”. In this part of his letters, he mentioned specific names of eople in the churches he was thankful for or particular ones who had helped him. Some of these people we wouldn’t know anything about if he hadn’t put a little “hello” to them in his ritings. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3:9 that we are laborers together with God. Just as Paul needed faithful men and women to pray to God on his behalf, we too need your prayers. Without the prayers of many hristians, and the financial support of many churches we couldn’t continue doing what God has called us to do.
The last couple of months 6 more churches have started to financially partner with us and many of you faithfully pray for us. I wish I had the space to hank each of you personally but the list would fill too many pages. So once again I say a very heartfelt “THANK YOU” for praying for our family as we prepare to take the Gospel to the people living on the Aleutian Islands of Alaska.

We are still needing to raise around $1,000 a month dditional support before we can leave for the Dutch Harbor/Unalaska area. The last ferry of the year leaves for Dutch Harbor/Unalaska in September. If we don’t have enough support to leave by then we will have to wait until next May. Please pray that we will be able to raise the additional funds necessary so that we will be able to reach the Unreached of Unalaska!

John and Jody Warrick

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Waiting..... in Iowa

We are in Iowa now, waiting for our grandaughter to make her grand entrance into the world. Kristi's baby is due February 23rd and I can't wait to hold her. Kristi is planning to come home with us after the baby arrives. I am very happy about this decision. I'm so thankful for a nice big house to live in while John travels to raise more support. Also thankful for a supportive sending church that's waiting to welcome Kristi home. I will try to post soon with pictures :0)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What if..... then God!

My friend Rebecca and I at the July 4th celebration in Wrangell 2009

I used to be a What if girl and I must admit that I still sometimes ask God why and what if! However as the years go by and I see God work in some pretty amazing ways I'm learning to just take one day at a time and instead ask, OK Lord.... what today? Is there someone I can encourage or love with YOUR love? Is there a way that I can help John that I normally wouldn't think of? What little thing do YOU want to show me today that I'll miss if I'm to busy? One thing I learned from the Alaskan people, especially from my friend Rebecca was to appreciate the small things. The salmonberries that Jonathan fell in love with. The smell of spruce, and even the taste of spruce tips (Rebecca said they are good in jelly)! Fireweed in the summer and a sunny day in the winter! Sea glass that's been refined by the sand and the sea! Just the little things.

Kristi and I when we visited her in Iowa, at Thanksgiving Time.

The date is right on the picture. Aren't you proud of me?

As I look forward to the birth of my grandaughter, and at times worry about the choices that Kristi is making I am reminded of how much God loves us and that the God who can create the universe, set the stars in the sky, start the storms and calm the storms is the same God who makes those spruce tips smell so amazing and causes the Kansas sunflower to open up facing the sun each morning (yep had to slip Kansas in there too!) A God this amazing can surely be trusted with my daughter and my grandaughter! Our kids and we ourselves for that matter, go through some tough times and sometimes it's because of sinful choices but I've learned that no matter what, we can trust God to be the perfect parent to our kids. He knows what they need even when we aren't so sure!

Kristi's due date is February 23rd so your prayers are much appreciated at this time!!

