Friday, September 23, 2011

Good news/ Not so good news

Not so good news first: About 2 weeks ago I mentioned that I was feeling bad. My doctor thinks I may have diverticulitis acting up. So after a couple of days on a liquid diet and 10 days on antibiotics I am feeling better but still having some pain. Talked with him today and he said to do another few days of liquids only and 10 more days of antibiotics. Then they will probably do a colonoscopy just to make sure everything is ok! Prayers appreciated. I am anxious to get back to Alaska and am learning much about patience these days.

I did get some GOOD NEWS today though. I had my yearly visit to my cardiologist. Went just a little early so that when doors open for us to go back to Alaska I will have that visit over with. Anyway, he said my heart sounded really good. I was still uncertain about a cardiologist in Alaska. He said he will take care of finding one in Anchorage who knows about Adult Congenital Heart defects.
That is a blessing to me!

God is using the events of the past several weeks to teach me to rest in Him. I woke up this morning thinking about one of the little boys I met at a VBS we helped with in Craig Alaska when we were there. He loved the wordless book bracelets we made, and said he would never take it off. So thankful that God chooses to use us and praying that we can get to the people of Alaska Very Soon!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11 and Texans

This day has been really different for me. We are back in Kansas and I was looking forward to teaching Sunday School this morning. Instead I ended up in pain, on my couch, watching the September 11 memorial services. Just before we went to Iowa I was in the same kind of pain and my doctor changed my medication. I thought it was working well but the last few days have been pretty rough. I did feel good enough tonight to go to church but guess I'd better give the doctor a call tomorrow.

While watching the memorials this morning I was reminded of several Bible verses that talk of God's faithfulness. Lamentations 22:23-24 about how His compassions fail not, II Corintians 4:8-9 about being persecuted but not abandoned, cast down but not destroyed. Isn't God amazing? I love that He is my strength in my weakest times. Today I was also burdened to pray more for our country. God's word says that a nation is blessed when God is their Lord. I pray that our country will truly turn to Him and make him our LORD.

OK, so I talked about September 11, so you might be wondering what about Texans? Well, you'ld probably never guess it but I love watching NFL football and my favorite team of ALL is the HOUSTON TEXANS!! When I was in 5th grade I had open heart surgery at Texas Children's Hospital. Our family stayed in the Ronald McDonald House in Houston and at the time the Houston Oilers had donated a lot of money to make the Ronald McDonald House super nice. They had Houston Oilers jerseys on the walls of the house and pictures of the players! I pretty much decided that they were great. Well years later they became the Tennessee Oilers, I believe, kinda lost track of them but then when I heard about the Houston Texans they became my team. I was disappointed today to see that they had a game but it wasn't on our TV, but TOTALLY excited to find out THEY WON! Of course, being a Kansas girl who likes football I did watch the KC Chiefs, not good. Then tonight after church I yelled for Dallas and it was a super good game but they still lost to the New York Jets. I also picked my favorite college basketball team based on where I had my 1st and 3rd heart surgeries.... University of Kansas... Jayhawks!! But we'll stick with football for now. Jonathan can only handle my enthusiasm about 1 sport at a time :) He told me tonight that "Mom's aren't supposed to get so excited about football."

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kristi, Xtra Tuffs, Grandpa, and Bubbles

Kristi in her wedding dress with her Xtra Tuffs!

I love this picture of my beautiful daughter. It's a reminder to me that while Kristi's wedding was amazing, life is tough and sometimes marriage is tough! It takes work. As a Mom, I think the best thing I can do for Kristi and my new son in law is to pray for them dilligently and serve the Lord faithfully! So, while I can't always help in material ways I will always love and pray for my little girl and her familly.

The other picture is my honey with our grandaughter Mayleigh. Even though life can be tough, it's so important to laugh together. Work hard but take time to play! Appreciate the simple things like bubbles, raindrops, sunshine, laughter, and sleep (which is what I need now). Goodnight friends.