Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Mornings

October zoo trip - Like usual the date on my camera was wrong.

Why is it that I can never sleep in on Saturday mornings? It doesn't seem to be a problem for John and Jonathan. A quiet house, a bit of a chill in the air, the sound of the heater. Enough to make me sleepy on any day when I need to get up so why not on Saturdays. I slept so well last night though, and you know what helped? With some of my birthday money I bought a noise machine thing. I went to sleep to the sound of ocean waves and I slept better than I have in weeks. When I heard the train I just turned the waves up louder. Poor John.... not sure he appreciated the waves as much as I did, but he didn't complain. He's a good man!

We had a nice day yesterday. A busy day, but a nice day. I think we're adjusting well to this crazy furlough life. After spending the last 8 weeks home with Jonathan while John travelled alone we are extremely thankful to have him here with us. Then again, we also want him in churches sharing the ministry God's called us to in Alaska so we can get "home" for real. Late October and most of November John has churches in Nebraska. Since that's not to far from here he can come home some between churches, which will be very nice.
The time at home without John made me think of the fishermen's wives in Alaska who stay home with their kids while their husbands are out making a living. I want to get to Dutch Harbor and truly reach out to these women. I also thought of military wives, whose husbands are gone for a very long time fighting for the freedom many of us take for granted. I pray that our country will appreciate these families who sacrifice so much. I pray that each of us will appreciate them more.

It's been fun teaching the 4 and 5 year olds in Pioneer Club at our sending church, Wellington Baptist Temple. I love to teach and want to serve while I'm here. Singing in the choir is also a lot of fun.
I have enjoyed homeschooling Jonathan here in Kansas. So many cool opportunities. A few weeks ago they had homeschoolers day at the Sedgwick County zoo in Wichita. Our friend at church, Grandma Bev, was kind enough to take us.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I knew I would miss Alaska but I didn't realize how much, and I sure didn't realize how "homesick" Jonathan would be! However we are adjusting to life in Kansas while John travels. We're praying that the needed additional support comes in soon so we can get out to Dutch Harbor. While we wait we are being thankful! Jonathan for his new friend, Christian who came and spent a couple of days with us last week, and I for the amazing, beautiful field of Kansas Sunflowers I see every Sunday and Wednesday on our way to church :0) So pretty. I'm also thankful for family and friends, both in Alaska and here in Kansas. Please keep
us in your prayers!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

When it storms we use duct tape.......

Today I enjoyed church so much. First for Sunday School I taught my Jr. High girl, Erica about facing trials in life and looking to God to get us through. She's so sweet and I'm going to miss her terribly when we come back South for furlough. Then in Children's Church I was teaching the little children about the disciples and Jesus being in a boat on the Sea of Galillee when a storm came up. Jesus was asleep in the boat and the storm didn't even wake him up. Then the disciples woke Him up to help them. Well, this lesson was especially fun to teach to these kids because their Dad is a commercial fisherman. I let them tell me about times they had been out in the sea when a storm came and they said it got all bumpy. Then the little girl (in the picture above) piped up and said, "but my Dad just puts duct tape on the cabinets so the food doesn't come out." I told her that was a really good idea but the little boy said "no it's not cuz then I can't get any food out." How funny. I am amazed and grateful that God has given me the opportunity to teach these kids that no matter how bad the storms or problems in life get that Christ will get them through if they ask Him to. Very cool.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Unalaska/Dutch Harbor

After many years of praying for the people of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor and seeking God's will for the specific place He wants us to serve Him we had an awesome opportunity. Last week we actually took a trip out to Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. God used the generosity of people here in Wrangell Alaska and all over the United States to provide our needs in regard to this trip. I was so excited when the plane we were in landed in Dutch Harbor, that is after the plane actually came to a stop :0) I just knew in my heart that I was finally home. Throughout the week God reenforced the call in John's heart and in mine. It was so hard to leave but we couldn't stay yet. We will be here in Wrangell until July 15th working in the ministry here at Wrangell Bible Baptist Church. July 15th we will take the ferry to Bellingham WA and from there make our way back to Kansas for our first furlough. We need to raise more support. Our goal is to be back to Dutch Harbor by next spring (2010).


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Busy Day

Wow! This day has been packed full of stuff. This morning I went to water aerobics and now figure I must've had some stress to work out because I am sore.
I think I kicked a little harder, stepped a little higher, and jogged a little faster.

After water aerobics I came home and did school with Jonathan. Then we needed a trip to the beach so first we went to Shoemaker and took some neat pictures. Then we went to petroglyph beach to look for sea glass.

After that we went to our Pastor's house for dinner. We had a great time just talking and laughing. They even had jalepeno poppers! Yum!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Growing Pains

These last few weeks have been the toughest ones I've had since Mom went to heaven. Kristi decided to move out and go to Iowa! She's 19 but had not yet completed High School. She had only 6 weeks left! Bummer! Anyway, I don't want to focus on the negative. Even in this there is much to be thankful for.....

1. Kristi is now in a safe place. 2. Computers and cell phones make it very easy to keep in touch even though she's far away. 3. God allowed me to pour His love into her for 9 years and I don't plan to stop now!

4. I am enjoying time with John and Jonathan. 5. It's a beautiful spring day.

but most of all........


Our circumstances change, friends change, ministries change. Nothing stays the same but...


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sick Boy and a Snowy Day

Jonathan had to go to the doctor this morning! He's been feeling bad off and on for quite a while.

His throat was itching and he was having lots of headaches! He was looking tired all the time and I thought he probably had a sinus infection so today I finally took him to see the nurse practicioner here in town. I hate taking Jonathan to the doctor because until he REALLY knows someone he won't talk to them. I mean, he'll shake their hand and say Hi but not really carry on a conversation. We are working on being kind when people speak to you and answering them! He's really good at "I don't know." Oh well that's another subject :0) We did find out that he has a really bad sinus infection. Ya know it is nice here in Wrangell though. I didn't realize that you just go up to the appointment desk and pick up your prescription right there at the doctor's office. We've had medicines shipped out from Ketchikan WalMart before and Kristi has picked up antibiotics at the doctors office before but I didn't realize that was a normal thing. It was nice. Unexpected, but nice. After the appointment there in the lobby we met up with a wonderful lady that goes to our church! Gladys is so sweet. She needed a ride home so we took her. Kristi is getting lots of experience driving on snow and ice and Gladys did cheer me up! Before she got out she told Jonathan, "you will get better little guy" and then said "I just love all of you"! We love you too Gladys! Jonathan and I had a long day in this apartment, watching snow falling outside. Today we've seen snowflakes in all sizes including dime and quarter size. We've seen it fall straight down, blow sideways, and even twirl around! We've seen it snow while the fog was so thick that you couldn't see anything but fog and snow. Today it also snowed while the sun was shining. Jonathan calls that frozen liquid sunshine!

Well that's pretty much my day today! The snow was amazing and Gladys was sweet. Jonathan's started on antibiotics. Kristi had 3 EMT calls today and already has one patient transport scheduled for 4:00 AM! John is going to drive her to the fire station and she'll ride in the ambulance. It will be a tough one for her. A lady who has cancer is leaving town to go back to Seattle for treatment. They are going to pick her up at her house and take her to the ferry terminal. They will take her to a cabin on the ferry and make her comfortable for the trip. All that to say, since John is taking her to the fire station I should go make sure he's not keeping the bedroom light on for me. He didn't say he was going to bed, just took his Bible and went in the bedroom. He's probably studying.
Oh yea the picture above is the lovely view from my livingroom window quite a bit of the day today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Letting Go

It's 3:19 AM and I can't sleep. I'll try again here in a few minutes but just thought I'd blog a little first!

John and Jonathan are gone to Ketchikan and I miss them. I am so excited that they got to go. Jonathan had not been out of Wrangell for 8 months other than just out in a boat now and then but never to another town. He was so excited today as the ferry pulled into Ketchikan. I'll put some pictures of their trip on here later.

Kristi and I had a fun evening tonight. She's growing up so much and I am having a tough time with it. Please pray with me that I'll have wisdom in letting her go, that I won't hold on to tight but also that I won't push her away. She's gotten so independent and I'm not used to that. It's kinda strange after 3 1/2 years of deputation. This year of being settled in Wrangell with her working, and doing her EMT training along with homeschool has been very different from travelling around together like we have for the past several years. Am I being to whiney! Never mind if I am I don't want to know. Maybe it's my lack of sleep talking! Guess I'd better go to bed.

As Anne of Green Gables says "Tomorrow is a brand new day, with no mistakes in it."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 17, 2009

OK why do my other blogs not have new dates on them? Is it because I didn't type one in the Title spot. I'll try that this time. Oh and maybe I'm supposed to put the name of the post down where it says Labels for this post:

I had a neat day today. The kids here in Wrangell were out of school and even though Kristi could have gone ahead and done school we skipped water aerobics and went out to the Stikine Inn for a latte and then drove to the beach to talk. I got out and walked around. Took some pictures. I love to take pictures here in Alaska. I'll try to put some of the ones I took today on my blog in a day or two. Anyway, as Kristi gets older and more grown up the reality that she'll probably be going to college in Springfield MO when we return to Alaska after furlough is really hitting me. I think that's probably the hardest thing about being a missionary, having to live so far from the people you love. I'm even more motivated to enjoy every moment I can with Kristi and with Jonathan too.
Oh yea about the picture. That's Kristi sunbathing in Alaska. Yes that is an iceberg she's laying on! She's a nut! Jonathan got on it too but he didn't lay down. Hmmmmm do I really want to let her go to college thousands of miles away from me??? Just kidding. She's more ready for it than I am.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sweet Things!

This is a rough place God has called us to and I've heard that Dutch Harbor will be rougher. Even tonight I hear the people out in the parking lot who've been drinking to much. Something crashed a minute ago and everything got quiet. Sure hope they didn't bang something into our van!! If they would have I think the alarm would have gone off. I'm glad John's sleeping so he won't feel the need to go out and check just yet! It didn't really sound like that but it was loud. In a place that's so rough the gentle sweet things mean so much. A hug from Jonathan. Kristi laying her head over on my shoulder while we sit and watch TV. John doing the dishes again just because he loves me! A caramel vanilla candle. The beautiful sunset. The sweet puppy I got to hold the other night. I pray that my focus will be more and more on the sweet things and less on the ugly and that my heart will love even the unlovely.