Sunday, February 26, 2012


Kristi and Mayleigh came for the weekend, along with my mother in law and father in law. Tonight we went up to the River Park in Argonia Kansas and celebrated Jonathan's 13th birthday and Mayleighs 2nd birthday. It was such a special time and I'm very thankful for my sweet family. Jonathan was excited to get to start the fire in the firepit so we could roast hot dogs and make s'mores. Mayleigh enjoyed throwing sticks in the fire. She got so excited about it. There was definitely no shortage of good food with Grandpa John and Grandma Donna here. I am still stuffed 5 hours later :) Tomorrow the diet is definitely back on.

Our company leaves in the morning and then we will be traveling to North Carolina for a missions conference. Please pray for us this week as we travel and as we share the need in Alaska. Also continue to pray about the housing situation out in Dutch Harbor and for God's guidance in our lives. I Thessalonians 5:24 says "Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it." I am super thankful that we are never on our own, that the God who calls us is also the God who delivers, sustains, carries, strengthens, loves, and comforts us.

Good night my friends and thanks in advance for your prayers.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

He is my ROCK!

I'm awake at 3:00 AM, my heart heavy for the people of Alaska that we believe God has called us to. Please pray earnestly that God will provide housing for us in Dutch Harbor/Unalaska this spring or point us to another area in Alaska where we can serve, at least until housing is available. We are on 3 waiting lists for apartments and have made calls to 2 other people who rent out houses/apartments in that area. From what I've been told, as people in that area lose their jobs they also lose their company housing so other housing becomes scarce. The struggle to get back to Alaska has been crazy and we get discouraged. The wait has also served to grow us and remind us that on our own we can do nothing but that with God ALL things are possible. Please pray for us that our eyes will remain fixed on God and His will for us, and that we will be open completely to His leading. God is our Rock (our stability) and He is able to accomplish His plans in us. We have seen Him answer one prayer after another. He truly is the God who provides all of our NEEDS.
We have 2 more missions conferences between now and May. We also are ministering in a church in Conway Springs Kansas and in our sending church in Wellington Kansas when we are in the area. Jonathan is part of the puppet ministry and the praise team, and John has been learning to play the guitar a little bit.
Thanks again for your faithful prayers.