Saturday, July 26, 2008

Praise Hm even when the storm is over.

The past four years of my life have been a storm as we started deputation and then as I watched my Mom battle cancer. I know that I should be thankful that she is no longer suffering, that she is enjoying her new, awesome home in heaven. I believe this with all of my heart but yet I miss her so much that some days it becomes very difficult to praise Him. Those days are the days that I need to praise Him the most! The worst of this particular storm is over, but I feel like now sometimes I'm just dealing with the mess it left behind, the mess it made of my heart and the hearts of the people I love the most. I can praise God even in this though. I praise Him for giving me tears to cry. I praise him for my sweet husband and my beautiful children. I praise him for bringing us to this beautiful place. I praise him for giving us meat for our freezer. I praise him for giving us salmonberries and blueberries to pick, especially for the blueberries, Yummo!
I praise Him for giving me another day in this beautiful place He's called us.